An image of a teacher standing in front of her class with text that says, "Fostering Future Entrepreneurs In Your Economics Class."

Fostering Future Entrepreneurs In Your Economics Class

According to a report by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), 40% of young people between the ages of 18-34 years old want to start their own business or pursue entrepreneurial avenues. What is Global Entrepreneurship Monitor? It is an organization that collects data on entrepreneurs, business owners, experts, and policy makers.

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An image of high school students in class with text that says "Ideas on how to make teaching high school economics fun."

Ideas On How To Make Teaching High School Economics Fun

I remember when I was told that I would teach high school seniors. I thought, “How cool! I’ll get the more mature students! We’ll have awesome class discussions. My students will LOVE my class!” Wow, I was wrong. Lol. That was not how my class went. My students didn’t love

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An image of a classroom with text that says "5 Engaging Government Activities for High School Students"

5 Engaging Government Activities for High School Students

When I became a 12th grade social studies teacher I dreaded teaching my government class (lol). For one, seniors can be super sassy, and two, many have senioritis especially after they’ve submitted their college applications. Everyday after school I wondered what I could do to liven up my class. Then

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An image of a quote with text that says, "Getting to know you activity for high school students"

Getting to Know You Activity for High School Students

As a high school teacher, you might be wondering how you could create a safe, warm, productive, and caring learning environment within your advisory class. I know that this was something I struggled with. I actually didn’t look forward to my advisory class. Not because my students weren’t sweet but

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An image of a classroom with text that says, "6 Basic Economic Concepts to teach High School Students"

6 Basic Economic Concepts for High School Students

If you taught government last semester, chances are you’re teaching economics next semester. You may or may not be new to teaching economics. When I was first hired to be the 12th grade social studies teacher, I was a new teacher. I was excited about teaching government, but economics… not

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An image of a person driving a car with text that says, "A cost benefit analysis lesson for high school students - is it worth it to drive for a ride share company?

A Cost-Benefit Analysis Lesson for High School Students

Coming up with a cost-benefit analysis lesson for high school students can be a daunting task. Especially when you are up trying to figure out what cost-benefit analysis is the night before you intend to teach this concept to your students (yes, this was totally me). But teaching economics doesn’t

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I provide secondary history and social studies teachers with engaging teaching resources so that feel they feel less stressed about lesson planning and enjoy teaching again!

An image of graphs with text that says, "Demand lesson plans for high school students."

Demand Lesson Plan for High School

Teaching high school seniors can be difficult especially during the second semester. If you’re a secondary social studies teacher, chances are that you’re probably teaching

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