Hi, I'm Crystal.

I’m a secondary history and social studies teacher.  I started teaching history because I wanted my students to become critical thinkers and learn about themselves in the process. But when I was a first year teacher, I felt too overwhelmed by the multiple responsibilities of being a teacher to dive deep into lesson planning. 

That’s why I decided to create secondary history and social studies teaching resources to help teachers like you, who love history, but may feel too overwhelmed  with the multiple hats that teachers wear. 

I know what it feels like to enjoy teaching history and seeing my students thrive.

But it wasn't always this way.

When I started teaching, I wasn’t able to dive deep into lesson planning because I was given multiple history subjects to teach. Needless to say, I was stressed and didn’t enjoy teaching as much as I could have.

Over the years, I’ve been able to fine tune my teaching resources and practices. My learning activities offer students multiple perspectives that go beyond the textbook!

 I want to help teachers like you so that you can feel confident and enjoy teaching secondary history and social studies too!

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